Myles Sampson
Intro Architectural Robotics IAP Workshop
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Year: 2022 Instructor: Myles Sampson
Students: Arthur Rodrigues, Carolyn Tam, Emma Jurczynski, Jin Gao, Natalie Pearl, Tim Cousin,
Critics: Caitlin Mueller, John Ochensdorf, Diego Pinochet, Sandy Curth, Gil Sunshine, Zain Karsan,

The Robotic Arm is a common tool for automotive and engineering practices. However, the endless opportunities for architectural applications make it an up-and-coming tool for architects and designers. Understanding the fundamentals of robotic programming is key to unlocking the potential applications of robotics in architecture and design. This Spring 2022 workshop is an introduction to the MIT Department of Architecture robotic arm for graduate level students. Through the Shape Grammar formalism, a rule-based design schema, we will explore architectural robotics.

The primary objective is to use robotic manipulators to perform the same tasks that designers execute physically by hand. The workshop utilizes a three-step process to achieve a thorough process to architectural robotics. Step 1 includes physical execution of the design and documentation through the shape grammar formalism. Step 2 comprises of robot execution of the design: students work through robotic path planning, robotic programming, and digital design. Step 3 consists of iterating, debugging, and refining the design for robotic manipulation. Through the workshop, students learn the necessary skills to execute their ideas on robotic manipulators.

Tower of Power

Take A Seat

Tower Chord

The Passageway
