Myles Sampson
Thurgood Marshall Hackathon
Year: 2018 Collaborators: Tibbits, Kernizan, Rustrom, Sampson

This mobile application stream lines applying for housing and choosing a roommate all in the palm of your hand. The housing application processes at colleges and universities are extremely antiquated, often times roommate selection and housing locations are left to chance for students. This mobile app removes the need for paper applications making the entire housing application process digital; the app incorporates existing user data and existing facilities. Users have the option to select a roommate based on the profile at their college and university and they are able to find a new roommate or select an established friend.

Users also have the ability to select the housing types they are looking for while receiving real time data on the building. As a result, the application gives the user to ability to view available housing options, current prices for housing, location and amenities. The app allows for users to submit reviews, photos, and video tours of housing options. The app gives the power to the user to be able to be choose and plan their housing experience so students can look forward to successful and memorable semester.